for most of the autographs, however, my son has a couple of twins yearbooks (2006 and 2008) that we have been getting signed whenever we can, along with a helmet. we also have a 2007 yearbook that no one had signed to date. both joe mauer and justin morneau have signed the 2006 yearbook, but not (yet) the 2008 one. even so, we chose to sleep in and not bother with the mauer or morneau lines. we still got there a little early, though.
the active players/coaches were first, and we took up residence in the francisco liriano/scott ullger/matt guerrier line. an hour and a half later, not too many people had joined us. two years ago, this line would have been blocks long, but now that liriano is struggling, it was pretty short. we had never got liriano's autograph, but we got ullger last year, and guerrier a few times. this year, liriano signed both main yearbooks, guerrier signed the third yearbook and a 2009 topps,
this is actually a pretty nice card for people to sign. i wish i could buy it in bulk rather than one per team set at target.
next, it was off to the jason kubel/brian buscher/steve liddle station. we had never got any of these guys to sign before, so it was a good station. short line, too. kubel signed both main yearbooks as did liddle, and buscher signed the 2008 book (he wasn't in the others) and the helmet.
then, matt tolbert/glen perkins/brendan harris. we had harris sign the only yearbook he was in (2008) at an event last year, so he signed the helmet and a 2009 topps.
these guys had a good laugh at harris' 2009 upper deck card which shows him lying on his back.
finally, michael cuddyer/rick stelmaszek. cuddyer is awesome. he signs a lot, and signs well. he signed the 2006 yearbook and the helmet (he had signed the 2008 yearbook last year). i had a 1975 topps stelmaszek, but we had him sign the two main yearbooks instead.
for the retired guys, we got in the rod carew/tom kelly line. as we snaked towards the tent, i noticed a third guy at the table - good lord, it's dave goltz! i was really excited. i got my 1978 topps and blurry 1982 fleer
still, carew and kelly isn't bad. i got carew to sign the 2006 yearbook (on his twins hall of fame page) at twinsfest earlier this year, so we went with the helmet and a 1978 topps league leader card.
we went to the game (it was twins cowboy hat night), too. good, exciting game. the twins bullpen stinks. brendan harris was a triple short of the cycle; harris, mauer, young, and kubel each homered; berkman and bourn homered for houston - in fact, bourn hit his homerun so hard, two balls fell out of the folded up vikings seats in right.
after the game, the metrodome staff opened the emergency exits due to the large crowd. usually you have to use the revolving doors when leaving the metrodome due to the air pressure. with the normal doors, you essentially get sucked out of the building. i failed to keep a firm grasp on my twins cowboy hats, and they went flying into the plaza. my son was able to retrieve one, but the other was scooped up by someone else. dave goltz, perhaps?
I didnt know you were in Minnesota! Ha!
So, you didnt wait in Mauer's gigantic line this year? I heard it was around the dome by 9am.
Lost your cowboy hat?! Cr@p!
At least one of the guys at Stickandballguy was at the game, too. Lots of action; poor end result. Oh well.
I envy you getting to meet Rod -- a lot of farm kids growing up in NW MN in the 70s learned to switch hit just so they could drag bunt like he did!
Man that is awesome!
Great to see the autos you scored at the event. I thought the Twins really did things up right.
Too bad you you didn't get your Coomer. Like the Cubs fans say, there's always next year.
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