it took an average of only 8 days for these three gentlemen to sign and return the cards i had sent their way. i am sure you have seen similar returns on
other blogs, so i won't go into too much detail. i did send along a donation with each request in the amount of $5 - $10. well worth it.
2008 topps a&g bob motley.

this may well be one of my favorite cards ever.
2009 topps a&g mini herbert simpson.

i knew to check the back for an additional auto, complete with his nickname of 'briefcase'.

it would have been cool if ud/fleer had included some negro leaguers in their 2006 nickname greats subset.
2009 topps a&g millito navarro.

at 103, he's probably the oldest signer out there.
very happy to have these three cards in my collection.
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