2008 topps finest russell martin.
2008 topps finest andruw jones.
his baggy uniform and stance makes his head look small. plus, he has a nightwing kind of mask on. yes, i used to read comic books. especially marv wolfman/george perez collaborations. and alan moore.
1998 donruss preferred checklist paul konerko.
paul is standing on the set of the pauly shore classic 'bio-dome'. it has konerko listed as a 3b, and he has the glove to prove it. i thought he was a catcher in the minors. anyway, he wasn't a dodger for long.
1995 score summit edition billy ashley.
i enjoy saying his name as victor newman would. 'ashhhley'. come on. you know who victor newman is. ashley was the prototypical aaaa player. good ol' pcl.
2008 allen & ginter delwyn young jersey.
nice. it will be tough for delwyn to break into the outfield these days, especially if manny returns, but he can hit the ball real hard. i am more and more reminded of the dodgers of the early 70s and 80s with all this young talent. hopefully young brings us something useful when ned decides to trade him.
another young, this time 2008 topps finest delmon.
according to the local scribes, delmon was kind of a bust for the twinkies this year, but he's young and i really hope he picks it up next year.
2003 topps matt stairs.
for my set. awesome. this post season, matt joined the likes of bobby thomson, joe morgan, jack clark and ozzie smith as long ball hitting dodger killers. he is the only one, though, who looks like he is in the local d-level softball beer league.
2003 topps matt stairs.
there were a lot more great cards. thanks dan! i have a stack headed your way in return.
There are many great Russell Martin cards this year. Finest isn't one of them. Not a fan. That Delwyn Young jersey card is SWEET. I've yet to get an A&G Dodger jersey. Too cheap for eBay right now.
night owl you are correct. this card makes martin look like ron karkovice.
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