11 August 2013

never look a gift horse in the mouth

a while back, baseball dad was giving away cards on his site.  i don't recall exactly how it worked, but i know that i claimed a jim abbott card.  some time later, i received a package in the mail which included this card - a 1989 bowman abbott.
now, i recall claiming a card, but couldn't quite recall why i asked for this particular card.  turns out, after consulting my email, i had claimed abbott's 1991 upper deck card.  that's ok for a couple of reasons.  first, baseball dad also threw in a pack of 2003 donruss estrellas.  

here's a look at what the pack included - jim edmonds
hideki matsui
mike piazza
cc sabathia
hideki matsui naciones de origines insert
looks like japan must be close to south or central america according to donruss.  keep studying geography kids!  there was also a scott rolen card in the pack that i will show another time.  the big, and i mean big, pull of the pack was this vladimir guerrero mini poster

i think i mentioned a few weeks ago that i broke up my 1991 upper deck set in order to take out all the double play and memorial cards that exist within.  i also pulled out this card for my dodger stadium collection.  it's the 1991 upper deck jim abbott card that i had wanted.
abbott is shown batting, and then on the basepaths, at dodger stadium
during the annual freeway series that was held between the dodgers and angels just prior to opening day.

thanks baseball dad for sending the cards - especially the bonus pack!

1 comment:

  1. You are more than welcome!

    I know I took way too long to get these out but I made sure I kept track of them.(actually think I still have a couple more to go !)
