11 August 2013

baseball's greatest non-double play double play card

thanks to jeff at 2x3 heroes, i added an unconventional double play card to my collection.  it comes from the 1959 fleer ted williams set, and celebrates the kid have led outfielders in double plays in 1951.
here's the back with the details.  and a gum stain.
jeff posted the card, i commented on it, he sent me a link to a low bin auction, and now i have the card. it's one of a handful of cards in the double play binder that reference double plays without showing the turn at second, and it is the first (i am pretty sure) that features an outfielder.

i still count it.  besides, it's the first card i have of williams from during his playing career.

thanks jeff!

1 comment:

  1. People....

    sing it with me

    People helping people.
    Are the luckiest people in the wooooooooorld.
