13 February 2015

meanwhile, back on tatooine...

…andre ethier is circling the bases on his 2008 bowman card,
his 2008 bowman gold parallel card,
his 2008 bowman chrome card,
and his 2008 bowman chrome refractor card.
elsewhere on the desert planet, fred lynn is doing something on his 1991 upper deck card,
while darren daulton makes a play
and brady anderson takes a lead
on their 1994 upper deck cards.

one of tatooine's multiple suns is low in the horizon on julio franco's 1996 upper deck card
and perhaps the other sun is creating shadows on john olerud's 1997 topps card
players like to hit on tatooine thanks to the dry air, like ken griffey jr on this 2006 upper deck national baseball card day card,
larry walker on this 2011 topps lineage card,
and jose reyes on this 2014 topps stadium club card
i think that photo was taken from jabbba's luxury sutite.


  1. That is a hell of a picture on the UD Franco. More reasons to miss Upper Deck.

  2. I have a bunch of Tatooine cards saved up for ya, big guy. I'll have 'em out after Mardi Gras.

  3. When you're out on Tattoine, watch out for basketball players, too!

