21 November 2014

and now for the tale of disappointment that i expected from a repack

hot on the heels of the pleasant repack experience i had recently (and posted about earlier today), i found myself in target a few days later and bought another one.  i again chose one that showed tim lincecum in one of the windows.  i should not have done that.

here's what was inside, starting with that 2008 topps chrome target t205 lincecum
1989 upper deck ellis burks
1994 fleer ultra glenallen hill
1993 leaf kurt manwaring
1992 donruss triple play albert belle
1989 upper deck tim flannery
1981 donruss keith moreland
1990 donruss terry kennedy
2010 topps tyler flowers
1989 topps glossy all-stars mark mcgwire
1981 topps marty pattin
1996 fleer ultra curt schilling
1981 topps andy hassler
1998 fleer metal universe hideki irabu
1981 topps dick tidrow
1992 classic four sport phil nevin
1981 topps steve stone
1994 topps tony gwynn
1991 upper deck dave bergman
1988 fleer mike moore
1988 fleer mike moore
1992 fleer bj surhoff
1988 fleer earnie riles
1992 fleer eric king
1992 leaf kevin reimer
1985 topps whitey herzog
1987 topps bobby valentine
1989 donruss tom brunansky
1989 topps keith hernandez
1982 topps lee mazzilli
1991 leaf jack armstrong
1991 leaf dwight evans
1987 topps terry kennedy
1991 leaf gary gaetti
1991 leaf barry jones
2006 fleer ultra huston street
1991 leaf greg harris
1987 topps rob wilfong
1991 leaf randy milligan
1991 leaf howard johnson
1991 leaf darren daulton
2004 fleer hot prospects omar vizquel draft edition
2010 topps brett anderson
2010 topps cliff pennington
2010 topps angel pagan
2010 topps kansas city royals
2010 topps casey kotchman
2010 topps toronto blue jays
1989 topps glossy all-stars andre dawson
and the last card of the first pocket, 2003 upper deck sp legendary cuts luis aparicio
the other window had this 2012 topps heritage doug fister black border parallel showing
behind it were these cards
1989 topps glossy all-stars ryne sandberg
1991 topps andy hawkins
1991 topps joe boever
1988 score dave engle
1989 upper deck tony armas
1991 donruss jim clancy
1990 fleer award winners ozzie smith
1984 topps darrell brown
1989 donruss bill long
1984 topps rafael ramirez
1991 upper deck brian downing
1987 donruss john shelby
1987 donruss frank viola
1990 upper deck lance mccullers
1991 donruss wayne edwards
2000 ud victory ken griffey jr 
1990 donruss pascual perez
1987 donruss howard johnson
1991 score mike henneman
1990 upper deck bill swift
1989 fleer bob kipper
1991 upper deck norm charlton
1989 score scott terry
1989 upper deck gary green
1993 upper deck jose uribe
1994 topps jimmy key
1991 upper deck alex cole
1992 topps scott aldred
1987 topps pirates leaders
1988 topps john wathan
when's the last time you saw a manager wearing a helmet?

1990 topps traded bobby cox
very poor airbrush job

1995 ud collector's choice ray mcdavid
1989 topps bruce hurst
1991 upper deck brian barnes
1989 topps greg gross
1988 donruss bill buckner
1988 donruss gene garber
1987 donruss brian downing
1988 score mel hall
1988 topps jeff stone
2012 topps addison reed
1989 topps larry parrish
1990 donruss lance johnson
2009 upper deck first edition alex gordon
2009 upper deck first edition jeff samardzija
2009 upper deck first edition alex rodriguez
2009 upper deck first edition josh hamilton
2009 upper deck first edition jj putz
1989 topps glossy all-stars will clark
and the last card of the repack, to put me out of my misery, 1996 fleer ultra frank thomas checklist
i don't think there was even a sniff of a dodger in there.  this repack will probably sour me on buying any more for a few weeks, i would guess.


  1. Let me know if you're not attached to Mr. Fister's card.

  2. You pulled a Griffey! I was expecting much worse.
