30 August 2014

i staked a claim from the group of death

i could not resist throwing my hat into the world cup of trading tournament hosted by wes at jaybarkerfan's junk.  the trade bait was short on dodgers, but i claimed this 2014 topps museum collection eddie murray momentous material relic card
because steady eddie was once a dodger who, while wearing dodger blue, led all of mlb in 1990 with a .330 average.  the murray is in the same trading group as a bob gibson auto, tony gwynn relic, and a jose canseco auto.  that's stiff competition, and i hope my return package does well against the bounty wes is sure to receive for the other cards in this aptly named 'group of death'.  we'll see over the next week or so.

and, because this is the 2010's, i got a bonus just for participating.  wes included a 2014 topps tier one hyun-jin ryu relic
to keep murray company in the package.  ryu returns from the dl tomorrow, just in time to save the dodgers from another kevin correia start.

thanks wes! can't wait to see how i fare in this world cup of trading...

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait until the World Cup of Trading kicks off. Should make for some fantastic posts!
