hot on the heels of my clayton kershaw triple threads redemption post, i came home yesterday to a sase in my mailbox, postmarked from texas. i knew what it was based on the recent returns noted on sportscardforum. my 2013 topps clayton kershaw ttm attempt was returned after 362 days.
that's pretty cool. i don't plan to send any more cards kershaw's way, but if you do it looks like he signs just before leaving for spring training. kind of like how josh hamilton signs before christmas.
also cool, but not quite as much as receiving a card from the best pitcher in the game, was this 1978 topps dave heaverlo card that was signed and returned to me in about a week's time.
i am always happy to add another ttm-signed 1978 topps card to my collection, and i hope to have a couple more show up in the next few weeks.thanks for signing my cards clayton and dave!
sorry, i should email you the right way, but i'm lazy! did my package make it to you? I hope you are just late or have not yet mailed, because unfortunately i have not seen anything yet. please let me know. thanks.
curt I responded to an earlier email in late January - I did receive the cards but it will be a little while before I am able to send your card back due to some work commitments. I will send it though!