01 November 2013

meanwhile, on tatooine...

...a new mini collection is begun.  i have set aside cards in the past that feature backgrounds of nothing but dirt.  the best example of this, of course, is the 1971 topps brooks robinson card which i have shown before.  i've also featured a few others over the years, but this is the first time i have dedicated a single post to these types of cards.

here are a few.

2006 upper deck juan dominguez
the pitching mound tatooine card might be the rarest of them all.

2010 topps ronny cedeno
a double play on tatooine!

most of these cards will feature players running the bases.  for example, 2011 topps freddy sanchez (gold parallel)
1996 donruss roberto kelly
1996 donruss jose offerman
and 2008 bowman andre ethier (gold parallel)
sometimes players will be sliding into bases, like shane mack on his 1991 upper deck card
or brady clark on his 2004 topps card
 or michael brantley on his 2011 topps card
and, sometimes players will be at the bat, like jody gerut on his 2004 topps card
or fellow indian victor martinez on his 2006 topps card.
i am not sure if i have seen a warning track tatooine card yet.  anyway, feel free to send me these types of cards in trade, along with dodgers, double plays, memorials, vladdys, etc.  the list seems to keep growing.  but stay out of mos eisley spaceport - you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.  kind of like the giants' roster.  bam!


  1. I always liked that Brady Clark card.

  2. I had no idea there would be so many of these. They look like the Fremen of Arrakis.

  3. Not sure if you have a copy already, but I'll see if I can find a 2013 Topps Carlos Pena for you.


  4. Don't forget this one:


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. There are so many Tatooine cards already. Great collection.

  7. I'm going to see if I can pull some Tatooine cards for you. Would love to do another trade.
