03 November 2013

double play dime box proxy

i have not made it to too many card shows (just one?) this past year, and so my dime box digging has not been occurring at any sort of respectable pace.  luckily, i have nick from dime boxes to help out.  he recently sent over some nice double play turns for the collection.

this 1994 ted williams mike schmidt card could also fit in my 'tatooine' collection.
minor league shortstop mike schmidt.  baseball reference tells me that schmidt turned one double play as a member of the eugene emeralds in 1972.  this may well be that play.  just fantastic.

the rest of these cards will pale in comparison, but are still worth showing off.

1994 topps stadium club luis alicea
1995 score juan bell
a mess of 1997 pacific - kurt abbott
esteban beltre
that double play maestro, brent gates
kevin stocker
1999 topps stadium club scott spiezio
2000 fleer impact warren morris
2002 topps frank catalanotto
2003 topps total tony womack
and 2004 upper deck craig counsell
thanks for the cards nick!  i'll be showing more dime box goodies throughout the day...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked everything!

    The Schmidt is one of my all-time favorite cards of his. The possibility of that being his ONLY double play turn in '72 would make it even better.
