09 September 2013

1965 perfection

'two and two to harvey kuenn.  one strike away.  sandy into his windup and here's the pitch.  swung on and missed - a perfect game!'  

i can't tell you how many times i have heard vin scully's call of the final pitch of sandy koufax's perfect game, thrown on this date in 1965.  one of the shows on the sports talk station out of san diego used to use it as a lead-in to their bit in which they would discuss the best pitching performance of the day.  and, of course, scully's call of the entire 9th inning is loaded into my itunes catalog.

koufax wasn't just perfect on the mound that night in 1965, his topps card from that year is also about as good as it gets.
in fact, it is my favorite card of his.  i am so looking forward to heritage next year.

by the way, i also tip my cap to bob hendley, who threw a one-hitter opposite koufax that night.  congrats to both men on what may well have been the best pitched game in big league history.


  1. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who has baseball highlights in his iTunes library.

    Where did you get the entire 9th inning from? Or should I ask?

  2. i don't quite recall where the file came from - possibly 'dodger thoughts' a few years ago. i'm guessing a quick google search will turn up a file or two.

  3. Great call. That 65T Koufax is perfect in so many different ways.
