15 February 2013

thank god, the police

any fans of fletch out there? aside from the fact that fletch f. fletch hated tommy lasorda, i am a fan of the movie.  i even kind of like fletch lives.  anyway, the title of this post refers to the point where chief karlin (the number one drug pusher from here to oxnard) shows up near the end - but not to help fletch or the lovely gail stanwyck.  anyway, it's a lame way to say that this post is about some dodgers police cards.

starting in 1980, the lapd sponsored a stadium giveaway of oversized cards.  i recently picked up a few sets from a seller who advertised a lot of 6 sets.  it turns out that one of the sets he advertised he no longer had.  he didn't seem to think that it was a big deal.  he eventually gave me a partial refund, but i won't be buying from him anymore.

enough of that - here's the header card from the 1986 set - a nice team shot in dodger stadium of the 1985 western division champs
the dodgers didn't do much in 1986, so the header card of the 1987 set is just an aerial shot of dodger stadium
for the most part the cards all feature photos of the players at home in chavez ravine.  take fernando valenzuela, for example.  here are his 1987
and 1986
cards.  all feature photos from pretty much the same angle.  thanks to the stirrups, we can see that they are not from the same game.

bob welch also has some repetitious cards in the 1986
and 1987 sets
i appreciate the red uniform number on the cards in 1986 and 1987.  not sure why the went away from it in 1989.

speaking of which, john tudor gets a night card in the 1989 dodgers police set
just like on his 1989 topps card.  both cards feature in-game action from dodger stadium which makes sense since all of tudor's starts at home in 1988 as a dodger were night games.  he did pitch on the road in a day game at philadelphia, but like i mentioned before - these sets tend to feature the players in the home whites.

well, fast forward to 1991, and we get barry lyons in the away grays.
lyons joined the dodgers in september of 1990, and appeared in three games.  the first two were on the road, and the third was at dodger stadium.  i'm surprised (and pleased) that there was a photo of lyons in dodger blue at all.  he was included in the set because he returned to the team in 1991, although he only made 9 appearances before being released in june of that year.  it is worth nothing that lyons had only one hit as a dodger, but at least it was a home run against the giants.

pretty sure that's the only dodger card of lyons, so unlike fletch i am genuinely thankful for the police that showed up.  although i wasn't facing incineration while wearing another man's suit at the time.

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