16 October 2012

finally figuring out wes parker's final tribute

first off, let me show you the back of wes parker's 1973 topps card
those are parker's final career stats as he hung up his golden glove after the 1972 season.  couple this with steve garvey's 1973 topps card in which parker makes an appearance, and we get a pretty nice final tribute to the dodger first baseman.

i showed a copy of parker's final card a while back as part of the topps dodger autograph project.  parker is known to sign through the mail for free, but he uses a ballpoint pen and signs very lightly.  here is the other card that he signed for me that way - his 2001 fleer greats of the game card
these are among my favorite cards to get signed.  i had considered sending a card or two to the upcoming wes parker signing out in la, but have decided against it.  i did pick up a better version of his 1973 card, though
because it is one of my favorite dodger cards.  it is a quintessential 1973 topps card, with four players in the frame.  i like the fact that it features dodger stadium, with lee lacy at second base, while parker holds the phillies' greg luzinski to a short lead.  i am guessing that willie davis is in center, but i have not taken the time to try to pinpoint the action before.  here goes.

i believe the photo is from july 23, 1972, as that was a sunday game, presumably played in the afternoon.  lee lacy started at second base, and that would be willie davis in center.  the first time the phillies played in la in 1972, jim lefebvre was playing second.  anyway, greg luzkinski singled in the 2nd and the 7th innings, so he spent some time leading off of first as seen on parker's card.  for his part, parker was 1 for 3 with a walk that day as the dodgers and tommy john lost to the phillies and steve carlton 2-0.

speaking of willie davis, his 1973 topps card also features a photo from a home game against the phillies.
it's been debated before whether the phillies' catcher is tim mccarver or john bateman, as both wore number 6 for philadelphia in 1972.  however, if we assume that this photo also comes form the july 23 game, it would be bateman, and not mccarver.  that suits me fine, as i could do without seeing or hearing tim mccarver this time of year.

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