17 February 2011

they're stamps, not cards. so why did i buy them?

over at oh my o-pee-chee today, i'm featuring hall of famer fergie jenkins who was just honored with the issuance of a postage stamp in his native canada.  i am not a philatelic, but i did pick up a dodgers team set of 1974 topps stamps a while back.  i guess the difference is that there is no postage value applied to these stamps.  just fantastic early 1970's photos of joe ferguson, andy messersmith, bill russell, willie crawford, bill buckner, claude osteen, willie davis (looking older than 33), dave lopes, ron cey, and don sutton.
sadly, no steve garvey.

i must admit that i do own an actual postage stamp as part of my collection (and it's not for mailing).  it's the 1982 20-cent jackie robinson stamp issued by the good ol' usps.
 at least the postal service also issued the image as a standard sized baseball card
so my non-philatelic self could justify the purchase way back when.  the last thing i needed then (and now) was another hobby.


  1. Stamps rock! Nice collection... I'm definitely going to hunt down the Jackie Robinson stamp & baseball card for my PC. Thanks for sharing.
