26 July 2010

perfectly trimmed

one of the greatest baseball cards ever produced, in my opinion, is the 1956 topps jackie robinson card.  it was his final topps card and it shows him stealing home with johnny podres at the plate.  so what if robinson never stole home in 1955 with podres at the plate?  it's still a great image on a classic card.

i never really considered trying to obtain any 1950's dodgers until a few years ago, and even then i was only buying the 'common' players for the most part.  a 1956 robinson seemed like a prohibitvely expensive card for me to obtain.

well, the last show i went to (a couple of months ago), i saw this card.
it's clean with no scuffs or creases or rounding - none of that damage i posted about a few days ago.  it is, however, trimmed on the edges.  still, with the low price that was being offered, i couldn't pass it up. besides, i can easily look past that and see the perfection that is my 1956 topps jackie robinson card.


  1. I am beginning to really think we may have been twins separated at birth! Dodgers, Garvey, CTNW or replicards and Jackie Robinson 1956 Topps! All favorites of mine as well.

    This has always been one of my favorite cards of all time. Nice.

  2. Off topic, but this may be relevant to your interests.


    That card is beautiful and if anyone tells you otherwise, punch 'em in the junk.
