30 March 2010

turning cards that should have been into cards that really are!

sometimes it's good to know you're not alone.  specifically, i was happy to learn that i wasn't the only one who left empty spots in my 1999 upper deck century legends binder for the dimaggio, rose and koufax cards that were not produced.  reader tim did the same thing.  so, after i created the cards that should have been, he contacted me to see if i could help him fill the similar gaps in his basketball and football sets.

it seems that upper deck did not produce a card in the century legends sets for magic johnson or a host of football players in 1999, presumably due to the same licensing issues that prevented them from making the baseball cards mentioned above.  tim sent me scans of some of the football and basketball cards that they did make for me to use to create a template. i did some searching for photos, and soon enough the task was done.

for my time, tim sent me a couple of fantastic real authentic cards.

2008 topps allen & ginter andre ethier auto
2006 topps '52 matt kemp auto
as much as i enjoy making cards that should have been, there's nothing like sweet cards that really are!

thanks tim!


for the record, here are the cards i created for tim

lance alworth
eric dickerson
mean joe greene
don hutson
i did a second oj because the first one shows him in number 36 (his 32 was stolen or lost prior to the game) and figured tim might prefer to see him in his iconic number 32
larry wilson


  1. I'd love to see those. Do you have pictures?

  2. Bad News for Ebay Sellers.

    Today was the first day of free postings under 99 cents on ebay (up to 100 a month - up from 5).
    Yesterday there were 207,000 Topps cards listed for sale. Today there is 1.5 Million listings for Topps cards.

  3. dfg - i'll edit the post to show the cards i created

  4. I really like that Don Hutson but that Joe Greene...INTENSELY EPIC!! Nice work!!

    I wish I card creating skills.
