01 January 2009

questions (belatedly) answered for dinged corners

i know - i am late to the party. but, i am a big fan of these types of questions, so thank you ladies for asking. here goes...

1-if i didn't collect baseball cards, i'd collect books. the "classics". i actually have a pretty good start on this - two bookcases filled with great literature (and other books), many of which i have actually read. currently reading 'lord jim' by joseph conrad.

2-my baseball heroes include one you probably wouldn't know from my blog or comments, and that person is jackie robinson.obviously well before my time, but still a man worthy of respect on and off the field.
3-every new years i resolve to refine my collection. focus on what i like most, eliminate the rest.

4-if i could spend a day with one person from baseball history, it would be babe ruth. come on, you know it would be a blast. as long as i weren't the sick kid begging for a home run...

round two...

1-what is your favorite kind of dog? for no reason, a chocolate lab. i have never had a dog and probably never will. when i was a kid i liked beagles because of snoopy.

2-who is your favorite baseball player? steve garvey. unless you mean current player, in which case it would be matt kemp. actually, my lineage of favorite current players goes from garvey to sax to hershiser to mondesi to green to nomarto kemp.

3-what is your favorite team? dodgers.
4-what is your favorite baseball movie? field of dreams. even though i always "played" catch with my dad - we didn't "have" a catch - it's still pretty dusty in my living room towards the end of this movie.
5-what is your favorite baseball book? i like "ball four", "moneyball", and "the boys of summer", but it has to be honig's "the image of their greatness".

6-what is your favorite card? 1978 topps steve garvey.it's perfect.

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